Some Thoughts About Stuff

Welcome to my website. Here I will be storing some of my scattered thoughts so I have a place to find them again, and so I can refer others to them.

The site is intended to be a permanent work-in-progress. Still, although I have lots of pages I am looking forward to writing, and others are started but not yet completed, there is by now a reasonable range of complete pages on a variety of topics. I am an amateur at HTML, so please forgive the minimalist style. (Though on the other hand...)

Each page is divided in two: first the content in traditional English; then the same content written using my linguistic reforms. Please note that this site is best viewed on desktop so you can see any tooltips that I have added to the text.

This place is intended to be a website, not a blog, so it will not cover hot topics of the day directly or have thoughts arranged chronologically, and not a wiki, so it is just for what I personally want to put here. I also want to focus here on ideas that I think don't get enough attention elsewhere, or which are entirely idiosyncratic.

If you too want a place of your own, like in the "good old days" of the early web, why not click the Neocities link at the bottom right? I will gladly read your site. I also welcome polite feedback, whether that be thoughts on the content, suggestions on the design / HTML, or even if you've just found an error in how I've implemented my new linguistic rules in the bottom half of a page.

If you are lost, you can use the Site Map to find your way.

Some subjects I am interested in, to give you an idea:

sum θoətiz abaʊt stuf

pliiz bii welcəm tə miis websait. hiə mii wil bii stoəriŋ sum ov miis skatərəð θoətiz soʊ mii hav a pleis tə faind dii əgen, and soʊ mii kan rifuəʳ uðəriz tə dii.

ðə sait biiʸ intendəð tə biiʸ a puəmənənt wuək-in-proʊgres. stil, oəlðoʊ mii hav lotiz ov peijiz mii bii lʊkiŋ foəwəd tə raitiŋᵍ, and uðəriz bii staətəð but not yet kəmpliitəð, ðeə bii bai naʊʷ a riizənəbəl reinj ov kəmpliit peijiz on a varaiətiiʸ ov topikiz. mii biiʸ an amacəʳ at h.t.m.l., soʊ pliiz foəgiv ðə miniməlist stail. (ðoʊʷ on ðiiʸ uðə hand...)

iic peij bii divaidəð in tʊʊ: umθ ðə kontent in trədiʃənəl ingliʃ; ðen ðə seim kontent raitəð yʊʊziŋ miis lingwistik rifʊəmiz. pliiz noʊt ðat ðis sait bii best vyʊʊwəð on desk-top soʊ ðii kan sii enii tʊʊl-tipiz ðat mii av ad tə ðə tekst.

ðis pleis bii intendəð tə biiʸ a websait, not a blog, soʊʷ it wil not kuvə hot topikiz ov ðə dei dairektlii noə hav θoətiz areinjəð kronəlojikliiʸ; and not a wikii, soʊ it bii just foə wot mii puəsənəlii wont tə pʊt hiə. miiʸ oəlsoʊ wont tə foʊkəs hiəʳ on aidiəriz ðat mii θink not get inuf atenʃən elsweəʳ, oə wic bii entaiəliiʸ idiiyoʊsinkratik.

if ðii tʊʊ wont a pleis ov ðiis oʊn, laik in ðə "gʊd oʊld deiyiz" ov ðiiʸ uəlii web, kwes wai not klik ðə niiyoʊsitiiyiz link at ðə botəm rait? mii wil gladlii riid ðiis sait. miiʸ oəlsoʊ welcəm pəlait fiid-bak, weðə ðat bii θoətiz on ðə kontent, sujeʃcəniz on ðə dizain / h.t.m.l., oəʳ iivən if ðiiʸ av just faind an erəʳ in haʊ miiʸ av impliment miis nyʊʊ lingwistik rʊʊliz in ðə botəm haəf ov a peij.

if ðii bii lʊʊzəð, ðii kan yʊʊz ðə sait map tə faind ðiis wei.

sum subjektiz mii bii intərestəð in, tə giv ðiiʸ an aidiə: